investor relations

Decisions of Ordinary General Meeting of EKTER S.A.

The company EKTER S.A. informs the investor community that on Friday, July 31, 2020 at 13:00 the Ordinary General Meeting of its shareholders took place at the Hotel ELECTRA PALACE ATHENS, 18-20 Navarchou Nikodimou St., Athens, 10557 (Alkyoni-Electra hall, 1st floor).



Of a total of 11.250.000 Registered Common Shares, 15 shareholders/holders of voting rights attended or were represented in the Meeting with 6.038.228 shares, i.e.53,673% of the total share capital.



The General Meeting was duly constituted and deliberated on all the items of the agenda. Specifically, the decisions of the General Meeting and the results of the vote per item, pursuant to the applicable provisions of law 4548/2018, are as follows:



1st Item: The Annual (corporate and consolidated) Financial Statements of the Company for the fiscal year 2019 as well as the relevant reports of the Board of Directors and the Auditor, were approved, in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Specifically, regarding the first item of the agenda, the decision was made as follows:
Number of shares that voted validly: 6.038.228
Percentage of share capital: 53,673%
Total number of valid votes: 6.038.228
Number of votes for: 6.038.228 (100% of the attending and represented votes)
Number of votes against: 0
Abstention: 0



2nd Item: The overall management of the company as well as the release of the members of the Board and the Auditor from any liability for indemnification arising from the exercise of their duties for the fiscal year 2019, were approved in accordance with article 108 of L. 4548/2018. Specifically, regarding the second item of the agenda, the decision was made as follows:
Number of shares that voted validly: 6.038.228
Percentage of share capital: 53,673%
Total number of valid votes: 6.038.228
Number of votes for: 6.038.228 (100% of the attending and represented votes)
Number of votes against: 0
Abstention: 0



3rd Item: The remuneration and consideration of any nature whatsoever paid to the members of the B.o.D. during the previous fiscal year 2019 were approved. Furthermore, the payment of net, after earnings tax, remuneration and consideration of any nature
whatsoever to the non-executive members of the B.o.D., for the current fiscal year 2020 and up to the amount of €18,000.00, was pre-approved. Specifically, regarding the third item of the agenda, the decision was made as follows:
Number of shares that voted validly: 6.038.228
Percentage of share capital: 53,673%
Total number of valid votes: 6.038.228
Number of votes for: 6.038.228 (100% of the attending and represented votes)
Number of votes against: 0
Abstention: 0



4th Item: The Remuneration Report for the fiscal year 2019 was voted, in accordance with article 112 of L. 4548/2018. The Report will be made available in the company’s website for a period of ten (10) years, as required by the law.
Specifically, regarding the fourth item of the agenda, the decision was made as follows:
Number of shares that voted validly: 6.038.228
Percentage of share capital: 53,673%
Total number of valid votes: 6.038.228
Number of votes for: 6.038.228 (100% of the attending and represented votes)
Number of votes against: 0
Abstention: 0



5th Item: AUDIT OPINION ORKOTOI ELENKTES E.P.E. (AUDIT OPINION CERTIFIED AUDITORS LTD.), SOEL (Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Greece) Reg. No. 175, was voted as the Auditing Firm for the fiscal year 2020 and the Board of Directors was instructed to determine their remuneration. Specifically, regarding the fifth item of the agenda, the decision was made as follows:
Number of shares that voted validly: 6.038.228
Percentage of share capital: 53,673%
Total number of valid votes: 6.038.228
Number of votes for: 6.038.228 (100% of the attending and represented votes)
Number of votes against: 0
Abstention: 0